
That repository is result of my course work at university. It was developed on Python programming language with PyQt5. It shows chart that was made with maplotlib library. There is *.ui file inside therefore you able to configure application design via QtDesigner.

Primary LanguagePython

Cyclical Descent Method Application

That repository is result of my course work at university. It was developed on Python programming language with PyQt5. It shows chart that was made with maplotlib library. There is *.ui file inside therefore you able to configure application design via QtDesigner.

Subject: Optimization of the Design Solutions
Theme: Build application that can solve multidimensional optimization problem via Cyclical Decent Method

Stack of technologies

  • Python 3.9.5
  • PyQt 5.15.6
  • matplotlib 3.5.0

Installation (User Guide)

Go to https://github.com/smnenko/cyclical-descent-method/releases and download the latest version for your OS

Installation (Developer Guide)

  1. Make sure that you have installed Python 3.9+ (or you can change a little line with f-strings) and you are in correct folder
  2. Clone git repository
cd cyclical-descent-method
  1. Create, upgrade and activate virtual environment (use python if you use Windows OS)
python3 -m venv venv
venv\Scripts\activate.bat (!!! for Windows)
source venv/bin/activate (!!! for Unix)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
  1. Install all the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run by following command
python3 main.py


  • Welcome windows with start configuration Welcome window
  • After calculate button click Calculate clicked
  • After clear button click Clear clicked