
A set of pseudocommands for KickAssembler to allow you to use all the 45GS02 instructions.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Mega65 - KickAssembler 45GS02 Pseudocommands

A 45gs02 syntax highlighting file for use in Sublime Text when using the Kick Assembler from KickC, and some macros to simplify some Mega65 operations.


Simply put m65macros.asm somewhere in your project structure and import it at the top of your entry file:

	#import "m65macros.asm"

Using the Kick Assembler found in KickC

In order to properly assemble 45gs02, you will need to use the Kick Assembler jar made by Jesper Gravgaard, found in KickC @


When assembling, make sure you run the Assembler file to invoke the correct class as follows:

java -cp kickass.jar kickass.KickAssembler65CE02

SublimeText Syntax File

Included in this repo is the KickAssembler (Mega65).sublime-syntax which can be dropped into the users package folder in sublime to provide syntax highlighting for all the commands. You can then go to view->syntax and select it from the drop down list for any given file.

Location on Windows 10

%AppData%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User

Location on MacOS

/Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User