
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Senior Watch

This is an Iot application written in Ionic with Angular. The app allows users to monitor the status of a senior in their home through reading emulated sensor data, which is sent periodically to an MQTT broker via the sensor emulator, and then retreived by the client side.

Technologies used

  • Ionic

  • Angular

  • Paho MQTT

How to run

  • Navigate to the sensor-emulator folder, and open the index.html file.

  • Open another command line window, and navigate to the client folder, then type:

ionic serve


  • Support for dark, and light modes.


  • The ability to view the detailed senior's activity in a given room.

  • You can view the senior's most visited rooms.

  • View the battery levels of all the sensors in the home.


Icons were taken from: