
AEM JMeter template is a predefined, AEM web appliactions Test Plan template, ready to use.

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AEM JMeter template is a predefined Test Plan template, ready to use. Template accelerates performance tests implementation for web applications with JMeter tool and introduces set of good practices.

Main features

  • Parametrization - re-used, preconfigured User Variables,
  • Modularization using Module Controllers,
  • Tuned for Adobe AEM - preconfigured thread that activates page on author (to replicate page via author-publish-dispatcher path). Thread also presents how to authenticate to AEM Author instance and reuse CSRF token (works for AEM 6.2),
  • Preconfigured loggers - preconfigured Simple Data Writers for .csv, .xml and Influx database (for Live monitoring).
  • Other features:
    • Think times with with parametrized Gaussian Random Timer,
    • Test Profiles with User Defined Variables for different test environments,
    • HTTP Request configured for download embedded resources, parallel download and filtering out calls to 3rd parties domains,
    • Exemplary HTTP Requests (GET, POST) and Config Elements (Transaction and Throughput Controllers),
    • User agents variability - in some cases it is important to test with different user agents (CDN caching algorithms that relay on user agent, mobile channels),


Installing template

Copy .xml snippet from "templates-snippet.xml" and paste into JMeter templates file "\bin\templates\templates.xml". Remember to preserve correct XML syntax.

All Features

  • Test Plan element - with ${project} variable to be changed.
  • "Domains" User Defined Variables - Server related variables for each environment. Enable or disable appropriate one (e.g.: Domains STAGING to test staging).
  • "Variables" User Defined Variables - test profiles for LOAD, SOAK, STRESS tests with Thread and Time related variables. Enable or disable appropriate one. Data is exemplary and to be change in a project.
  • "Main Tread" Group:
    • ${thread} and ${rampup} variables used for Forever run.
    • HTTP Request Defaults element
      • with ${domain} and ${protocol} variables used
      • Embedded Resources are downloaded
      • Parallel download of embedded resources = 6 (simulate browser behaviour)
      • Filtering out 3rd party domains - Tab Advanced ".${domain}." regular expression. No analitycs will be send.
    • Cookie Manager
      • Clears cookie each iteration
    • CSV Config
      • reads data from CSV file and passes to Header Manager (user-agent variable)
    • Header Manager
      • adds Host header with ${domain} variable
    • Gaussian Random Timer
      • adds Think Time before EVERY sample
      • uses ${think-time-deviation} and ${think-time-constant} variables
    • Throughput Controller
      • demonstrates hot to split users in percentage manner e.g.: New users vs Returning users
      • Demonstrates usage of Module Controllers (reusable blocks of scripts)
      • HTTP Cache manager - simulating caching assets in browser
      • HTTP request Sampler
        • Response Assertion
      • Transaction Controller
        • Demonstrates how to embed multiple samples into one Transaction.
        • "Log in" POST request
  • Modules Thread:
    • implementation of modules.
    • "Activate Page EXAMPLE" Thread group
      • Activates content from ${content-demo} variable using AEM etc/replication/treeactivation.html servlet
      • Hits Author to push correct flow of invalidation: Author->Publish->Dispatcher
  • Set of useful graphs that can be used to import .cvs result file and analyze test results.
  • Simple Data Writer CSV
    • Configured to write samples only to .csv file
  • Simple Data Writer XML
    • Configured to write samples and sub samples to xml file. Use this one if you want to know Server Hits not only Transactions per second.
  • Backend Listener for Live monitoring
    • Preconfigured to push summary only data to localhost Influx database.
    • uses ${project} variable to add prefix for database measurements.


