
A simple way to mock a client

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Mocked Client

A simple way to mock a client


Via Composer

$ composer require doppiogancio/mocked-client


This version requires a minimum PHP version 7.4

Usage - Mocking the client

$builder = new HandlerStackBuilder();

 * You can enable the debug mode to see the list of request dispatched by the client
 * 2021-08-12T06:48:04+00:00 - GET /country/IT
 * 2021-08-12T06:48:04+00:00 - GET /country/IT/json
 * 2021-08-12T06:48:04+00:00 - GET /admin/dashboard
 * 2021-08-12T06:48:04+00:00 - GET /not/existing/route

// Add a route with a response via callback
    'GET', '/country/IT', static function (ServerRequestInterface $request): Response {
        return new Response(200, [], '{"id":"+39","code":"IT","name":"Italy"}');

// Add a route with a response in a text file
$builder->addRouteWithFile('GET',  '/country/IT/json', __DIR__ . '/fixtures/country.json');

// Add a route with a response in a string
$builder->addRouteWithFile('GET',  '{"id":"+39","code":"IT","name":"Italy"}');

// Add a route mocking directly the response
$builder->addRouteWithResponse('GET', '/admin/dashboard', new Response(401));

$client = new Client(['handler' => $builder->build()]);

Usage - Using the mocked client

$response = $client->request('GET', '/country/DE/json');
$body = (string) $response->getBody();
$country = json_decode($body, true);


// will return
    [id] => +49
    [code] => DE
    [name] => Germany


Via Composer

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


$ composer run-script test