
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Durst is a single page app that allows club members to buy drinks at the club.

Database Model

type ProductState: 'available' | 'out-of-stock' | 'discontinued';
type OrderState: 'pending' | 'paid';

interface Product {
  id: string;
  timestamp: timestamp;
  name: string;
  image?: string;
  price: number;
  state: ProductState;

interface Customer {
  id: string;
  timestamp: timestamp;
  username: string;
  password: string;

interface Order {
  id: string;
  timestamp: timestamp;
  customerId: string;
  paidDate?: date;
  state: OrderState;

interface OrderedItems {
  id: string;
  timestamp: timestamp;
  orderId: string;
  productId: string;
  productPrice: number;
  count: number;


  • login/register
  • products listing
  • basket
  • purchase history (shows old paid baskets)
  • payment
  • profile


  • /api/login
  • /api/register
  • /api/logout
  • /products
  • /products/:id
  • /baskets
  • /basket/:id