
A Flutter UI Kit for Food Ordering Services

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Food App

A custom UI for Food apps build using flutter fudie-screen s2


  • Clone/Download the repo/zip to your system.
  • In your computer terminal (in the project root folder), run flutter pub get to download all dependencies

For Android:

  • Launch Android Studio with the project selected
  • Open the AVD Manager by clickng the AVD Manager button N|Solid
  • Launch your Virtual Device from the AVD Manager list (or to use your phone, plug it in and make sure its unlocked. You phone should have had developer options enabled) N|Solid
  • Press the play button to run the code

For iOS:

  • Open the fudie_ui_flutter/ios/Runner folder using Xcode. You can also do this via android studio. N|Solid
  • In Xcode, ensure the Runner is selected. Under the general tab, ensure a team is selected N|Solid
  • In the terminal open your simulator using open -a simulator
  • in the terminal, run flutter run -d all Runs the app on all virtual/real devices available at run time

Reviewing Screens

You can access the following screens:

  • HomeScreen
  • DetailScreen
  • SidemenuScreen

Tapping any feed item on the HomeScreen will take you to the detail screen. Tapping the menubar from the HomeScreen will bring up the sidebar menu.