

Primary LanguageVim script

smokey42's dotfiles

This repo contains my basic dotfiles as well as my vim configuration.

How to use it

cd ~
git init
git remote add origin ssh://git@github.com/smokey42/dotfiles.git
# If you want to clone it privately and you are not me, use:
# git remote add origin https://github.com/smokey42/dotfiles.git
git pull origin master
git submodule update --init
vim -c BundleInstall -c qa

After the last command, all referenced vim plugins will be installed.

If you see .vim/bundle/vundle (untracked content) in git status, this is because BundleInstall creates the file .vim/bundle/vundle/doc/tags. Just ignore the warning.

Upgrading git-based Bundles

This is actually pretty easy. Just run the following command and all git-based bundles will be updated to the current version of their origin.

awk -F/ '/Bundle/ && /\// { print "cd ~/.vim/bundle/" $2 "; git pull" }' .vimrc|sed "s/'//"|bash

Using vim with Eclipse

To use eclim you need to visit Eclim's download page and download the installer first. Executing the following command will performa an unattended installation of eclim.

java \
    -Declipse.home=$HOME/bin/eclipse-installation \
    -Dvim.files=$HOME/.vim \
    -DfeatureList.ant=true \
    -DfeatureList.jdt=true \
    -DfeatureList.maven=true \
    -DfeatureList.python=true \
    -jar eclim_1.7.2.jar install

Interesting to Python programmers: Eclim also includes rope, of which I found the Integration to be of superiour quality when compared against pyflakes. Especially on 512kB large (don't ask!) Python files.

Problems I ran into

  • It took a while to figure out that eclim only can do code completion when Eclipse knows about the file you are working on, the file is saved so Eclipse can read it and the file belongs to a project that Eclipse knows about.

  • If you have a non-standard workspace directory (as I have) you must set your Eclipse workspace directory in ~/.eclimrc.


    If you don't do that, code completion will not work.

I really should try that

  • When triggering undo in a pristine file, a splitscreen should show older versions of the same code pulled from the git repository.
  • http://jeetworks.org/node/89

Further reading