

Primary LanguagePython



All modules are required to be written as closely to java as possible

  • function annotation for functions
  • type decleration for vars
  • all modules are inside a packagable class
  • one class per file
  • main function in every module
  • semicolons at the end of lines

So instead of

import ...

def something():
    x = 5
    y = 10
    return x + y


Do this

import ...;

class Class:
    def something():
        x = 5;
        y = 10;
        return (x + y);

    def Main():
        print (Class.something());

if __name__ == '__main__':

It's a bit wordy but it will be better in the long run for orginizing code (and also for the funny)

Sidenote: Non module programs (ex. graph.py for movementlogger) will be written in standard syntax python (no semicolons or anything) due to them being data science/more pythony than the modules.

Use threading to run 2 modules at once

from threading import Thread;
from phase import Phase as Phase;
from speed import Speed as Speed;

class twoModulesAtOnce:
    def Main():
        Thread(target = Phase.Main).start();
        Thread(target = Speed.Main).start();

if __name__ == '__main__':

For production we will most likely need a file with a similar structure of

from module1 import module1 as module1;
from module2 import module2 as module2;
from module3 import module3 as module3;
from module4 import module4 as module4;
from module5 import module5 as module5;

import json;
import threading as Thread;
import os;

class Main:
    def loadconfig():
        with open(os.getenv('AppData')+'\\.minecraft\\mcpipy\\src\\main\\java\\org\\Eclient\\client\\Eclientconfig.json') as configpath:
            return json.load(configpath);

    def Main():
        configs = Phase.loadconfig()['modules'];

        if configs['module1']['Enabled'] == True:
            Thread(target = Module1.Main).start();

        if configs['module2']['Enabled'] == True:
            Thread(target = Module2.Main).start();

        if configs['module3']['Enabled'] == True:
            Thread(target = Module3.Main).start();

        if configs['module4']['Enabled'] == True:
            Thread(target = Module4.Main).start();

        if configs['module5']['Enabled'] == True:
            Thread(target = Module5.Main).start();

All modules are required to have the command to run the module by itself, for example speed.py will have

#// /py src/main/java/org/Eclient/client/module/modules/movement/speed

At the top of the file

Note: Scripts outside of the client that just display statistics (such as graph.py) will be written like normal python and will not have any command in the headers.