
RealSense external for Max/MSP

Primary LanguageC++


RealSense external for Max/MSP.

Current Instructions to Build in MacOS

Older librealsense2 and Max SDK

Latest librealsense2 and Max SDK

  • Branch rs2020
  • newest Max SDK and librealsense2 for (2)
    • branched off rs_working_older but with submodules pointing to the latest commits in master of both librealsense2 and Max SDK.

Generic steps after pulling one of the above branches

  • Clone and pull those branches in (for convenience can use separate clones for (1) or (2), if using GitHub Desktop or similar, make sure submodules are pulled, if not do in Terminal: git submodule init --recursive
  • In Terminal in jit.realsense/
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
    cmake --build .
      (wait for awhile while librealsense2)
    mkdir -p Debug/jit.realsense.mxo/Contents/MacOS/
    cp jit.realsense Debug/jit.realsense.mxo/Contents/MacOS/
    cp ../Info.plist ../PkgInfo Debug/jit.realsense.mxo/Contents/
    cp ../patch/example.maxpat Debug/
    cd Debug
    open example.maxpat
    • The older branch may need the librealsense2_Poller_bsd.patch applied to Poller_bsd.cpp in librealsense2 to compile; newer shouldn't need it.
    • (to restart from scratch, remove that build directory and redo the steps)

Original Instructions from upstream

Building for Windows

Required tools:

  • Last tested with Visual Studio 2017
  • CMake 3.8+


  • Open a shell and run :
mkdir build
cd build
cmake path/to/jit.realsense
cmake --build . --config Release

This will build the 32-bit version; for building the 64 bit version, run cmake with the following command instead:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" path/to/jit.realsense

The jit.realsense.mxe and jit.realsense.mxe64 externals will be in the Release folder created during build.

Building for macOS

Required tools:

  • Last tested with Xcode 8
  • CMake >= 3.8


  • Open a shell and run :
mkdir build
cd build
cmake path/to/jit.realsense -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .

Note that the build is optimized for CPUs with at least AVX instructions (basically, any Sandy Bridge i7 or more recent); this can be tweaked on CMakeLists.txt:9. The produced external will be a fat library working with both 32 and 64 bit Max.