
🦖 A utility that allows you to create Web Pages using Lua.

Primary LanguageLua

Lua Pages Creator

LPC is a Lua-script that allows you to create static web pages using Lua objects, which makes web development much easier.

Code Example

-- example.lua
local lpc_gui = require("libs.base_gui")

local page = lpc_gui.create_element("html")

local head = page:Add("head")
    :Include("style.css", "css")
    :Add("title", "Example Title")

local body = page:Add("body")

body.center_div = body:Add("div")
    :SetSize("50vw", "50vh")

body.text = body.center_div:Add("h1", "Example Text")

return page

How to work with LPC?

(You must have Lua installed)

  1. Create a *.lua file in the root directory of the LPC (this is where the main.lua file is located).
  2. Write your page code according to the documentation in the newly created file.
  3. Type the command lua main.lua * (where * is the name of the file you created; for example lua main.lua example.lua) into the terminal
  4. Go to the output/* directory and find the files of your project.
