
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Startup progress checklist

GraphQL API for managing checklists for startup progression

Getting started

  • npm ci Install locked dependencies (see node version in .nvmrc)
  • npm run build Build TS, static TS check
  • npm start Runs build server (requires build)
  • npm run dev Runs source directly via ts-node

Once the server is running you can either visit http://localhost:4000/ to open playground or test API with curl:

curl --request POST \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --url http://localhost:4000/ \
    --data '{"query":"query progress($progressId: ID, $limit: Int) {\n  progress(id: $progressId) {\n    displayName\n    id\n    phases {\n      displayName\n      id\n      status\n      tasks(limit: $limit) {\n        completed\n        displayName\n        id\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}","variables":{"progressId":"my-startup","limit":10}}'
  "data": {
    "progress": {
      "displayName": "My startup progress",
      "id": "my-startup",
      "phases": [
          "displayName": "Foundation",
          "id": "c52e7495-be49-4d60-81e4-9cb0fded8810",
          "status": "OPEN",
          "tasks": [
              "completed": false,
              "displayName": "Set up virtual office",
              "id": "f05bc933-c73a-4491-b43c-0c31910755f7"
            { "completed": false, "displayName": "Set mission & vision", "id": "e53d3dc8-6ea3-4961-b615-c7d81892cd77" },
            { "completed": false, "displayName": "Select business name", "id": "a4eb0b5d-f74a-45e3-bb26-a44399eb10db" },
            { "completed": false, "displayName": "Buy domains", "id": "e144773f-e2fd-471e-bf8f-eb0332b41c0c" }
          "displayName": "Discovery",
          "id": "1430a811-c88e-4884-88bd-b14b67fa9766",
          "status": "BLOCKED",
          "tasks": [
            { "completed": false, "displayName": "Create roadmap", "id": "4ce36052-200c-4e9e-aff9-c45eec700e58" },
            { "completed": false, "displayName": "Competitor analyses", "id": "09b4baac-e7e3-4239-a737-393a1a269763" }
          "displayName": "Delivery",
          "id": "72f6e9b4-0796-4a34-9346-9ee52caf5794",
          "status": "BLOCKED",
          "tasks": [
              "completed": false,
              "displayName": "Release marketing website",
              "id": "e34a4bcd-6599-4d76-b073-7be24089ec33"
            { "completed": false, "displayName": "Release MVP", "id": "04e8ed16-d9c3-4138-bd36-ffa58d5d4a79" }

Requirements check


  • Task: Individual check item
  • Phase: Task group
  • Progress: Startup progress list (for multi-tenancy).

For the sake of simplicity of the setup, new progress is auto-created with the default values when requested. Updating the check-list items is not possible through API at this point.

Functional Requirements

  • Every phase can have an unlimited amount of tasks.
    • The API is ready for large tasks in each phase, content is paginated.
  • If the startup accomplishes all tasks in the phase, it’s marked as done and unlocks the next phase.
    • This is done on the database level. Client knows about state of the phase (if it's unlocked or not).
  • Tasks cannot be marked as completed unless all tasks in the previous phase were completed.
    • This is handled in the service layer
  • Propose and implement a solution how to reopen (undo) a task.
    • Implemented, trivial thanks to the previous step

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Pay attention to code structure and architecture. Do not use any frameworks and libraries that provide out-of-box application architecture and file/data structure e.g. NestJS, TypeORM.
    • Hexagonal architecture used (ISP, separated domain), vertical layering. Splitting the API into features is a TODO.
  • Create a public repository and publish your code.
  • Write a few unit tests (no need to cover all the code).
    • Repository test + API test implemented
  • Create a CI/CD pipeline that would run when somebody opens a PR and would prevent merging the PR until tests pass. Create a small PR to demonstrate it and keep the PR open.
  • (Optional, bonus) Deploy your code to a cloud service provider (free and with minimum set up) and make sure the API is public and accessible. Send us a link.
    • Skipped

Requirements - Backend (recommended)

  • Implement a GraphQL API using Node.js, TypeScript
    • Done, relevant technologies from stack used
  • Store the progress in memory (not database)
    • Done
  • Design a database schema to store the data (no need to implement)
    • See bellow


Assuming there is only a couple of phases per startup, the phase completeness could be done on the query level (draft):

  id, ...
      SELECT 1
      FROM task t
      WHERE t.id = id
      LIMIT 1
FROM phase
WHERE phase.progress_id = :progress_id