Yii2 News
News module for Yii2
- PHP 5.6 or higher
- Yii2 v.2.0.20 and newest
- Yii2 Base module (required)
- Yii2 Editor module (required)
- Yii2 SelectInput widget
To install the module, run the following command in the console:
$ composer require "wdmg/yii2-news"
After configure db connection, run the following command in the console:
$ php yii news/init
And select the operation you want to perform:
- Apply all module migrations
- Revert all module migrations
In any case, you can execute the migration and create the initial data, run the following command in the console:
$ php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/wdmg/yii2-news/migrations
To add a module to the project, add the following data in your configuration file:
'modules' => [
'news' => [
'class' => 'wdmg\news\Module',
'routePrefix' => 'admin',
'newsRoute' => '/news', // route for frontend (string or array), use "/" - for root
'newsLayout' => '@app/views/layouts/main', // the default layout to render news
'newsImagePath' => '/uploads/news' // the default path to save news thumbnails in @webroot
Use the Module::dashboardNavItems()
method of the module to generate a navigation items list for NavBar, like this:
echo Nav::widget([
'options' => ['class' => 'navbar-nav navbar-right'],
'label' => 'Modules',
'items' => [
Status and version [in progress development]
- v.1.0.2 - Added news image and thumbnails, draft view from backend
- v.1.0.1 - Added module views and updating controllers
- v.1.0.0 - Added models, controllers and base views