This is the work-in-progress repo for the book Mastering Shiny by Joe Cheng.

Built with bookdown.

Table of contents

  1. Shiny 101
    1. Your first Shiny app
    2. Basic UI
    3. Basic reactivity
  2. Shiny in depth
    1. UI in depth
    2. Reactive programming in depth
    3. Using scopes to manage object lifetimes
  3. Shiny in action
    1. Uploading/downloading data
    2. Dashboards
    3. Dynamic UI
    4. htmlwidgets
    5. Interactive base/ggplot2 graphics
    6. Generating static reports from Shiny
    7. Connecting to databases
  4. Case study: Data explorer
    1. Upload or choose data set
    2. Select variables
    3. Filter rows
    4. Visualize
    5. Select data points for drilldown
  5. Taming Shiny
    1. Troubleshooting and debugging techniques
    2. Modules
    3. Testing with shinytest
  6. Shiny in production
    1. Deployment options
    2. Managing dependencies with packrat
    3. Performance and scalability
    4. Load testing with shinyloadtest
    5. Improving rendering performance with renderCachedPlot
    6. Async programming with promises
  7. Appendix
    1. Bookmarkable state
    2. Progress indicators
    3. Server-side selectize and DT
    4. R Markdown integration
    5. Shiny gadgets
    6. Reactivity implementation details
    7. Reproducibility