Get Jobs

This project is an DEMO website based on a Job listing platform

You can see the website here.

Techs used

  • React + Typescript
  • TailwindCSS
  • React Router
  • Vite

Figma Design

I've created a figma design just for this project image


This is a WIP project so it maybe lack some features right now Here are some features a want to implement on this website

  • Implement full responsive layout
  • Create a component for buttons
  • Add hover effect on buttons and list items
  • Create the complete job listing page
  • Create more details page (for when you click on a job)
  • Create companies list page
  • Create I'm hiring form

What I've done so far?

  • Implement Home page
  • Create Recent Jobs listing component
  • Create Tags
  • Create Buttons style
  • Setup tailwind variables for colors