
A capstone project for the Codecademy Web App Immersive

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A project for Codecademy's React Immersive course

Getting Started

  1. Install packages: npm install
  2. Start app: npm start


  1. Install Surge globally: npm install -g surge
  2. In root npm run build
  3. Navigate to the build folder: cd build
  4. Run surge

Project Prompt


  • Spotify Login — the first time a user searches for a song, album, or artist, Spotify will ask them to log in or set up a new account. You will need to follow the steps in the Spotify Developer Guide to register your application.
  • Search by Song, Album, or Artist — a user can type the name of a song, artist, or album into the search bar and click the SEARCH button. The app will request song data about the user's input from the Spotify library (find Spotify endpoints here).
  • Populate Results List — Jammming displays the list of returned tracks from the user's query.
  • Add Song to a Custom Playlist — users can add a track to their playlist by selecting a + sign on the right side of the track's display container.
  • Remove Song from Custom Playlist — users can remove a track from their playlist by selecting a - sign on the right side of the track's display container.
  • Change Playlist Title — users can change the title of their custom playlist.
  • Save Playlist to Account — users can save their custom playlist by clicking a button called SAVE TO SPOTIFY.


Because we want you to focus on building the React infrastructure, we have provided links to the HTML/CSS and visual assets below. Notice, we did not break the HTML and CSS into their components. To complete the project you will need to split the HTML/CSS into their components.

  • index.html — all of the HTML for a static version of the website.
  • style.css — all of the CSS for a static version of the website.
  • image assets — all of the image assets used in the website.

A final note

Whether you're up for the challenge or not, we recommend you consider the following questions before you start coding.

  • What components does the application need?
  • How will the application handle state?
  • What methods does the application need?
  • How does the application hook up to the Spotify API?
  • How does the application save a playlist to a user's profile? As you complete the steps, you can compare the structure you devised to the one we use recommend in the project steps.

This is a large project. Take your time and review the earlier lessons if you run into problems. Good luck!