
PostgreSQL forward-only migration tool using Postgres.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


PostgreSQL forward-only migration tool using Postgres.js.

# 1. install
pnpm install @smonn/postgres-migrate

# 2. generate migration file
spm generate 'my migration'

# 3. edit the migration file as needed

# 4. apply pending migrations
spm apply

# 5. reset the database
spm reset


Assumes the environment variable DATABASE_URL is set, either in the current shell or in a .env file (relies on dotenv).

You can also customize the migrations directory using the --dir / -d flag with any of the commands. It defaults to the current working directory + migrations.


spm generate [--dir=./migrations] [name]

Generates a new migration file. If name is not provided, you will be prompted for one. The name will be transformed into snake_case and made lowercase. All non-alphanumeric characters will be stripped.

spm apply [--dir=./migrations]

Applies all pending migrations in a single transaction. Will fail if a previously applied migration was changed, causing the checksum to mismatch.

spm reset [--dir=./migrations] [--force]

Drops all tables and re-applies all migrations. Use --force / -f to skip the confirmation prompt.