Introduction to JavaScript

Who’s Yassine Amine (smootok) ?

  • Software developer that crafted software using JavaScript tools
  • Maker of edofus and other projects
  • Open Source contributor

What this talk is about?

  • What is JavaScript
  • Where does JavaScript code run
  • What can you do with it
  • How to learn JavaScript
  • Resources to learn JavaScript
  • Bonus: How to deploy a static App

What is JavaScript?

  • It is the third of the major building blocks of a web page
  • One of the most popular programming languages link
  • Most in demand language by employers link

Where does JavaScript code run?


  • Firefox ➡️ SpiderMonkey
  • Microsoft ➡️ Chakra
  • Chrome ➡️ V8


  • Node.js
  • Deno

What can you do with it?

How to learn JavaScript?

Resources to learn JavaScript

Bonus: How to deploy your app

