Lerna Cheat Sheet



Basic commands

lerna init --independent - create lerna file. Flag independent defines if all packages should be versioned separatly.

lerna bootstrap --<flags> - runs npm i && npm run prepare on all packages

lerna clean --<flags> - clear node-modules for all packages

lerna run <script_name> --<flags> - runs script defined in each package

lerna exec <cmd> --<flags> - runs command for all packages

lerna publish --<flags> - publishes packages to npm

Usefull flags

--scope=<package-name1>,<package-name2>... - defines on which packages should command be executed

--loglevel <silent/verbose/silly/success/failure> - defines what type of output should be returned to console

--concurrency <number || 4> - defines how many threads should be run in parallel

Available variables

$LERNA_PACKAGE_NAME - current package

$LERNA_ROOT_PATH - root path of project

Remember about adding slash before dollar sign while running command with those variables!