
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

tree-sitter grammar for roc


Reference it from your editor somehow. //TODO


My full config for roc is below:

command = "roc_language_server"

name = "roc"
scope = "source.roc"
injection-regex = "roc"
file-types = ["roc"]
shebangs = ["roc"]
roots = []
comment-token = "#"
language-servers = ["roc-ls"]
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = "  " }
auto-format = true
formatter = { command = "roc", args =[ "format", "--stdin", "--stdout"]}

'(' = ')'
'{' = '}'
'[' = ']'
'"' = '"'

name = "roc"
source = { git = "https://github.com/faldor20/tree-sitter-roc.git", rev = "whateverTheLatestCommitIs" }
  1. After adding the above to your languages.toml, run hx --grammar fetch and then hx --grammar build
  2. Add ~/.config/helix/runtime/queries/roc/ and put the files from this repository's queries directory in there.
  3. Run hx --health roc in a new shell and verify that your changes have been picked up correctly. If things are green, you're good to go.


Add the code in neovim/roc.lua to your config somewhere. Copy the folder neovim/queries to your neovim config at after/ or in a custom neovim plugin at its root directory ./ eg: after/queries/roc/highlights.luaor my_roc_plugin/queries/roc/highlights.lua


A package providing a major mode for Roc is under development.




Currently i use nix for development so to start the dev environment in nix run

nix develop

I've had some odd issues with the system version of libc being incompatible with my version of treesitter. if tree-sitter is spitting out weird errors try running it in an isolated environments

nix develop -i

Not Nix

If you are outside of nix. You will need:

  1. The tree-sitter cli, which will be installed when you run npm install
  2. A c compiler like gcc or clang


Once you've made a change, to test it, run:

tree-sitter generate
tree-sitter test 

if you add a new feature you should add a test to one of the test files in test/corpus/*.txt once you are happy with you changes run

tree-sitter test --update

and it will update the test files with your new parsed tree