
A React-redux weather app with an Express backend that queries info from DarkSky.net

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React-Redux-Express Weather App

** Check last week's hourly weather for most US cities with this interactive React/Redux app. It uses Express as a backend to query the weather information from DarkSky.net **

How to install locally

Run the following commands:

  • git clone git@github.com:smoscar/react-weather-app.git
  • npm install
  • npm run client-install
  • npm run dev

Create an account on https://darksky.net/dev and copy your API key and put it in server.js

How to deploy to Google App Engine

This entire repo was created for Google App Engine. It uses concurrently and nodemon to simulate two different microservices locally but on LIVE the client folder is the main microservice and the rest is a separate service that works as a backend service.

Checkout the "live" branch. It contains the YAML files needed for Google Cloud.

Create a free account on Google Cloud and create a new project (this might take a while).

Open your terminal, cd to the project folder and run the following commands

  • gcloud auth login
  • gcloud config set project the-name-of-your-google-cloud-project
  • cd client
  • npm run build
  • gcloud app deploy
  • cd ..
  • gcloud app deploy
  • cd client
  • gcloud app browse

If everything went correctly, you should now have a default service in your project and a second service called service2 which is used as an Express backend. The application should be successfully running on your browser through Google Cloud.