
TraceSpy white screen

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have downloaded and compiled the src

when i execute \WpfTraceSpyCore\bin\Release\net5.0-windows\WpfTraceSpyCore.exe
it keept as this forever:

there's no window, and when I hover over the taskbar it shows that white screen as in the picture above.

Things I tried: install net 5.0 and also run it as admin, whats happening?
OS: Win10


This is strange. I've rebuilt and tested and it works fine for me, as admin or not, on Windows 10 and 11. What you can check is if you have a "WpfSettings.config" file in %appdata%\Roaming\TraceSpy directory.

This file can get corrupted sometimes. If you have it, you can 1) close tracespy and 2) delete it and restart; Note you can rename it or copy it somewhere instead of deleting (in case it still contains interesting info you want to keep like ids, configuration, etc.)

Deleting the file works correctly now, thank you!