
.NET interop classes for WIC (Windows Imaging Component), Direct2D and DirectWrite. With .NET 8+ AOT support

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.NET interop classes for WIC (Windows Imaging Component) Direct2D, and DirectWrite, based on netstandard 2.0, with zero dependency (except for DirectN https://www.nuget.org/packages/DirectNStandard/)

Nuget Package is available here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/WicNet

Main projects are:

  • WicNet is the main library that you can use to program WIC in .NET. It's .NET standard based so compatible with .NET Framework and .NET Core 6+ projects.
  • WicNetCore is a .NET 8+ and AOT-friendly version of WicNet. It's still a work in progress.
  • WicNetExplorer is a Winforms-based GUI sample program that demonstrates how to use WicNet, see below for more information.
  • WicNet.WinUI3Tests is a simple project that demonstrates WIC and WinRT/WinUI3's imaging classes (notably SoftwareBitmap).

Simple use case is load & save:

using (var bmp = WicBitmapSource.Load(@"myJpegFile.jpg"))

Draw ellipse over an image and save (uses D2D):

using (var bmp = WicBitmapSource.Load("MyImag.jpg"))
    bmp.ConvertTo(WicPixelFormat.GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGR);  // needed to be able to work with Direct2D
    var width = 200;
    var height = width * bmp.Height / bmp.Width;
    using (var memBmp = new WicBitmapSource(width, height, WicPixelFormat.GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPRGBA))
    using (var rt = memBmp.CreateDeviceContext())
    using (var dbmp = rt.CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(bmp.ComObject))
    using (var brush = rt.CreateSolidColorBrush(_D3DCOLORVALUE.Red))
        rt.DrawBitmap(dbmp, destinationRectangle: new D2D_RECT_F(new D2D_SIZE_F(memBmp.Size)));
        rt.DrawEllipse(new D2D1_ELLIPSE(width / 2, height / 2, Math.Min(width, height) / 2), brush, 4);

Rotate image, convert to grayscale and save (uses Direct2D effects):

static void RotateAndGrayscale()
    using (var bmp = WicBitmapSource.Load("MyImage.jpg"))
        bmp.ConvertTo(WicPixelFormat.GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGR); // needed to be able to work with Direct2D
        using (var newBmp = new WicBitmapSource(bmp.Width, bmp.Height, WicPixelFormat.GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPRGBA))
        using (var rt = newBmp.CreateDeviceContext())
        using (var fx = rt.CreateEffect(Direct2DEffects.CLSID_D2D1Grayscale))
        using (var cb = rt.CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(bmp.ComObject))
            fx.SetInput(0, cb);


WicNetExplorer is a GUI sample program that demonstrates how to use WicNet, it's capable of loading and saving images and shows WIC information:


WicNetExplorer demonstrates two Windows technologies for the WIC display surface:

WinUI3/WinRT interop

The WinUI3Tests program demonstrates WicNet (and therefore WIC) interop with WinRT's SoftwareBitmap and WinUI3:

private static SoftwareBitmap GetSoftwareBitmap(string filePath)
    using var bmp = WicBitmapSource.Load(filePath);

    // note: software bitmap doesn't seem to support color contexts
    // so we must transform it ourselves, building one using pixels after color transformation
    // this is the moral equivalent to WinRT's BitmapDecoder.GetPixelDataAsync (which uses Wic underneath...)
    // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.graphics.imaging.bitmapdecoder.getpixeldataasync
    var ctx = bmp.GetColorContexts();
    if (ctx.Count > 0)
        using var transformed = GetTransformed(bmp);
        if (transformed != null)
            // get pixels as an array of bytes
            var bytes = transformed.CopyPixels();

            // get WinRT SoftwareBitmap
            var softwareBitmap = new SoftwareBitmap(
            return softwareBitmap;

    // software bitmap doesn't support all formats
    // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.graphics.imaging.bitmappixelformat
    // and SoftwareBitmapSource only support Bgra8...

    // software bitmap doesn't support "raw" IWicBitmapSource, it wants an IWicBitmap
    using var clone = bmp.Clone();
    return clone.WithSoftwareBitmap(true, ptr => SoftwareBitmap.FromAbi(ptr));