
Backend for the Kumori project with Grafana dashboards & InfluxDB storage

Primary LanguageShell

Kumori Backend: Grafana Monitoring System with InfluxDB


  • Docker-CE 18.06+
  • Docker Compose v1.23.1+


$ docker-compose pull

$ docker-compose up

$ open http://localhost:3000


[InfluxDB] How do I check running InfluxDB's version?

$ docker exec -it influxdb influx -version

[InfluxDB] How do I initialize my database?

$ ./influxdb/provision.sh

[Grafana] How do I initialize my Grafana with InfluxDB?

  1. Login via http://localhost:3000, use the default user/pass: admin/admin

  2. Configure Data Source

[Data Source]
- Name: MyInfluxDataSource
- Type: InfluxDB

- URL: http://influxdb:8086
- Access: Server (Default)

- With Credentials (checked)
- other (unchecked)

- Database: test
- User: grafana
- Password: grafana
  1. Update Settings

Now, click "Save & Test", and now you should be able to see message prompt: Data source is working

[Misc] Where can I find my data?

After upgrading to Grafana 5.1+, data store changed, please find your data via $ docker volume ls

Reference: FAQ - Grafana Migration

$ docker volume ls

local           kumori_grafana_lib
local           kumori_grafana_log
local           kumori_influxdb_lib

Docker Images