
A telegram bot that verifies its users by interacting with BrightID app.

Primary LanguagePython

Top-up Gifter bot

Developed for participating in BrightID bounties in gitcoin hackathon gr8.

This bot gives each person a free top-up.

This repository contains the source code of @top_up_gifter_bot and instructions for runnig a copy of yourself.


  • Python3.6 or higher
  • A Telegram API key
  • A Telegram bot token
  • A BrightID context
  • A inax.ir account


  1. git clone https://github.com/mrmousavi78/top-up-gifter-bot.git
  2. cd top-up-gifter-bot
  3. python3 -m venv venv && . venv/bin/activate to create and activate a virtual environment.
  4. pip install -U -r requirements.txt, to install the requirements.
  5. Edit the config.ini file with your values.
  6. Place your app sponsor private key in __main__.py like this: sponsor_private_key='SPONSOR_PRIVATE_KEY'
  7. Place you own [inax.ir] account parameters in top_up_gfter/plugins/messages.py like this:
    data = {
        "method": "topup",
        "username": "<inax.ir_username>",
        "password": "<inax.ir_password>",
        "amount": "<amount of credit card in IRT>",
        "operator": user.operator,
        "mobile": message.text,
        "charge_type": "normal",
        "order_id": str(randint(5,10000)),
        "company": "top-up gifter bot"
  1. Run with python -m top_up_gifter.
  2. Stop with Ctrl + C and deactivate the virtual environment.


For SDK bonus

BrightID SDK for Python

This bot uses python-brightid for integrating BrightID

Pooya Fekri developed this SDK and you can see the source code here: https://github.com/PooyaFekri/python-brightid

Top-up Gifter BrightID node

For running BrightID node bonus

Top-up Gifter will use its own BrightID node on http://node.topupgifter.com/brightid/v5/state

Medium story

You can see Top-up Gifter on medium for guides on how to receive free top-up.