
A hobbyist 64-bit OS

Primary LanguageC



A 64-bit higher half kernel OS


You need an GCC compiler, ld linker which are usually pre-installed on UNIX-like systems. Also qemu, nasm, xorriso and make must be available.

We also use clang-format in the make format script, so make sure to have it installed in a development workspace.

In order to run the debugger, be sure to have gdb.

to compile and build in debug mode run:


to compile and build in production mode run:

make prod

if you want to run the os using qemu, execute:

make run

if you want to use gdb:

make drun

then open another shell and move to the same directory and:

make gdb

Implemented features

Feature State
Limine bootloader works
kernel loading works
GDT works
IDT works
PIC works
PIT works
Keyboard works
printf works
basic prompt works
Memory Mapping works
process works
context switching works
thread works
file system basic vfs implemented
USTar works
userspace needs more testing
games snake and gameoflife work
programs cat, ls work

TODO for the forseeable future

Feature to be implemented
maybe implement ACPI to gain access to more advanced devices
user space
support for simple file systems like FAT
support for ELF
syscalls to execute binaries like ELFs
simple hardware support like usb


The goal is to implement a fully functional OS which would have basic tools and perhaps support libc and some Unix-like programs and applications.


Special thanks to the contributers of Lyre-OS for being one of the main references of ideas and implementation.