Sonoff S26 firmware with the Blynk support

* Open the project in MS Code (Platform IO), compile and flash the firmware

* Plug in and power up your S26 Socket.
* Wait 5 secconds and then pres the button on you S26 Socket several times until the LED gows green. (you have 1 minute to do that)
* Unplug the socket from the power and plug it again. The LED will remain green.
* Connect to WiFi with
        SSID: "SonoffS26(8)"
        Password: "SonoffFwSux"
* Configure your WiFi connection credentials, Blynk server IP (I call it collector for some reason) and the Blynk token
  - https only! (no http support, it's not safe)
  - keep the collector field empty to use the default public blynk servers
  - you can keep the fingerprint field empty. It will be filled automatically after the first connection.
  - if you use the custom Blynk server, it must maintain the constant certificate all the time
  - if you have a problem configuring your own blynk server with HTTPS, you can try my patched one that'll make it a little bit easier for you.
* Save and restart
* Configure the socket Blynk device on virtual pin V1. (Use Button in switch mode)