
Jeopardy Chatbot built for Mattermost Client via jService

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AlexTrebot Chatbot Fulfillment Service

AlexTrebot is a chatbot built as an api.ai fulfillment service integrated with a Mattermost channel. Data is sourced from jService.

AlexTrebot can ask provide help and information about how to play, ask a question from a random category and point value, check if the answer is correct (and make sure it is in question form), tell you your score, and provide a player leaderboard.

For a work-in-progress web version, visit https://bot.api.ai/804067d3-3bac-4e60-9b6e-91288ae97836

Third-party data sources can be incorporated into api.ai by the use of a Fulfillment Webhook. api.ai will parse the request, extract relevant data, and POST it to the fulfillment service. This example uses the jService API to demonstrate such a service.


The latest Node.js LTS is recommended.


Install dependencies

npm install

Software Used

  • Express - Web Application Framework
  • Request - Simplified HTTP request client.
  • Sequelize - An easy-to-use multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.js
  • Node-Postgres PostgreSQL client for node.js.