
Leaderboard for Vault COVID-19 Saliva Test speedruns. Created for VandyHacks VII.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

COVID Test Speedrunning Dashboard

This project was created in order to establish leaderboard for Vault COVID-19 Saliva Test speedruns.


This project is almost completely finished. Minor styling changes and a verification method will be added in the future.

Usage Instructions:

Navigate to https://covidspeedrun.tech from any web browser, and follow the instructions provided to report your time.


The goal of this project was to create a website to accept reports of testing speedrun times in order to compile a leaderboard of the fastest times.


This was a project for VandyHacks, organized by the students at Vanderbilt University. As a group, we had entered the hackathon with the intent of creating a website to host a leaderboard of speedrun times.