
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a sample application that subscribes to a pub/sub message when nginx log files are uploaded to a Google Cloud Storage bucket and writes the data to a BigQuery table.

Nginx logs used for this application has the following format 2023-09-20T21:11:45.225Z Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 GET /upload 404 10852

And the BigQuery table has the following schema:

CREATE TABLE `<gcp_project_id>.<bq_dataset_name>.<bq_table_name>`
  ipAddress STRING,
  dateTime DATETIME,
  userAgent STRING,
  requestMethod STRING,
  requestPath STRING,
  responseStatusCode INT64,
  responseBytes INT64

Generate some random nginx logs

$ node generate.js [number of log lines] [filename]

By default number of log lines is set to 1000 and filename is set to './nginx.log'

Create necessary GCP resources

  1. Google Cloud Storage Bucket
  2. Google Cloud Run Service
  3. Create a trigger to connect Cloud
  4. Create the BigQuery dataset and tables

TBD: Convert this to Terraform.

Deploy the service to Cloud Run

$ PROJECT_ID=<GCP PROJECT ID> DATASET=<BQ Dataset name> TABLE=<BQ Table name> ./deploy.sh

Trigger the service by uploading the log file

$ gsutil cp nginx.log gs://<gcs-bucket-name>/nginx.log