
A minimal, portable dotfiles setup for using dash as interactive shell on linux or bsd

Primary LanguageVim Script


My previous dotfiles collection has grown over the years to encompass a huge variety of features that were bash focused. Setup relied on some gnu packages that are not available on all systems. The functions wrapping git functionality and other per-prompt processing loaded down the shell and lengthened startup times.

This repository is a reboot. I've stripped out a lot, but kept most of the more useful features that I take advantage of day-by-day. These dotfiles are designed to run with /bin/sh or dash as the interactive shell. While I may still run bash on some machines for tab-completion, this set should prove more portable.

Installation requires only Make, and will work on BSD or GNU systems.


Use make to see a list of options:

$ make

Make targets:
        install   - adds dotfiles to system and inits vim plug
        uninstall - removes dotfiles from system

Linking strategy

.config/ - This folder often holds a number of dotfiles of a private nature. Rather than store them all in git I choose to keep only the few that are universally applicable. Any dotfiles in this folder are linked individually into $HOME/.config/ so as to avoid overwriting private ones.

.functions/ - This folder contains scripts that are all sourced upon shell start. Each file contains a shell function that will be available. They are named the same as the functions they hold.

bin/ - Some scripts need not be shell functions (and add overhead to the shell). These scripts are linked individually into $HOME/bin/ to avoid overwriting private ones. This folder is included in the PATH environment variable.

All other files or folders are linked directly to $HOME.

Top-level dotfiles

Some configuration files are still stored at the top level and do not respect XDG_CONFIG_HOME or even a hard-coded ~/.config. Several of these have active issues to correct that.

  • .agignore
  • .ctags
  • .scimrc
  • .calc_history
  • .vimrc - fixed with a combo of env vars and config changes
  • .curlrc - no public issue logged. Using CURL_HOME env to fix it
  • .tmux.conf - obstinately refuse to add the 3 lines of code necessary to support XDG. Fixing with an alias