Hornet System

A Centralized Blockchain System that deliver REST API.


A centralized blockchain is a type of blockchain that is controlled by a single entity or organization. In a centralized blockchain, there is a central authority that controls the addition of new blocks to the chain and the validation of transactions.

One of the main advantages of a centralized blockchain is that it can be more efficient than a decentralized blockchain, as there is no need for consensus among multiple nodes in the network. This can make it faster and easier to add new blocks to the chain and confirm transactions.

However, the centralization of a blockchain also means that it is more vulnerable to manipulation and censorship. If the central authority controlling the blockchain is compromised or biased, it can potentially manipulate the record of transactions or censor certain transactions from being added to the chain. This lack of decentralization and censorship resistance is one of the main criticisms of centralized blockchains.

In contrast, decentralized blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum rely on a distributed network of nodes to validate transactions and add new blocks to the chain, which makes them more resistant to censorship and tampering.


There are several advantages to using a centralized blockchain:

Faster transaction speeds: Because there is a central authority responsible for validating transactions and adding new blocks to the chain, a centralized blockchain can process transactions more quickly than a decentralized blockchain, which requires consensus among multiple nodes.

Simplified development: A centralized blockchain can be easier to develop and maintain than a decentralized blockchain, as there is only one entity responsible for the network.

Improved security: In a centralized blockchain, the central authority can implement stronger security measures to protect against hacks and attacks.

Greater control: A centralized blockchain allows the central authority to have greater control over the network, which can be useful for certain applications such as supply chain management or record-keeping.

Reduced costs: A centralized blockchain can potentially have lower operating costs compared to a decentralized blockchain, as it does not require the maintenance and operation of multiple nodes.

However, it's important to note that these advantages are balanced by the potential drawbacks of a centralized blockchain, such as the lack of decentralization and censorship resistance.


There are several disadvantages to using a centralized blockchain:

Single point of failure: Because a centralized blockchain is controlled by a single entity, it is vulnerable to attacks on that entity. If the central authority is compromised, it can potentially lead to the failure of the entire blockchain.

Lack of decentralization: A centralized blockchain is not decentralized, which means that it is not distributed across a network of nodes. This lack of decentralization can make it more vulnerable to censorship and manipulation by the central authority.

Reduced transparency: In a centralized blockchain, the central authority has the ability to censor transactions and control what is added to the chain. This can reduce the transparency of the blockchain and make it difficult for users to verify the authenticity of the transactions recorded on the chain.

Dependence on the central authority: In a centralized blockchain, users are dependent on the central authority to validate and add transactions to the chain. If the central authority fails or becomes unavailable, the entire network could be disrupted.

Reduced security: While a centralized blockchain may have stronger security measures in place compared to a decentralized blockchain, it is still vulnerable to attacks and breaches. If the central authority is targeted by hackers, it could potentially compromise the entire network.

In contrast, decentralized blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum rely on a distributed network of nodes to validate transactions and add new blocks to the chain, which can provide increased security and decentralization.


  • Nodejs 16
  • Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB