Frontends Projects - Social Media Pop Up Animation

Social Media Pop Up Animation

Project: Social Media Pop Up Animation
Stack: HTML & CSS
Level: Beginner
Demo : Demo
Tutorial : Tutorialurl

Project Brief

In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to create animated pop up icon using only html and css

Building project

Before building project init your project as a public repo

📌 (creating a repo will make it easier to share code with us if you need help)

Create new public repo on github

  • Go to create account or sign in
  • Create new git repo

Initialize Git from scratch

  • Go into the your local system directory using git bash
  • Type git init init project
  • Type git add . add all files
  • Type git commit -m "message here" git commmit message

Deploy your project on any one of them

  1. Github pages
  2. Netlify
  3. Vercel
  4. Heroku
  5. Other

Guide for building project

  • First try yourself (attempt to code yourself, use your creativity )
  • Get help from tutorial and solution (If you stuck anywhere, try looking through the tutorial and final solution and then code)
    • a) Follow along tutorial (start building along with following tutorial)
    • b) Follow prewritten instruction (we already provided prewritten files for more clarity)

Got feedback for us?

We love receiving feedback! We're always looking to know which types of project should we add more. So if you have anything you'd like to mention, please email at

This project is completely free. Please share it with anyone who will find it useful for practice. Have fun building! 🚀