
Face Anonymization Made Simple ,joke it don't use it for evil.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ComfyUI_Face_Anon_Simple:Face Anonymization make simple and easy.

  • Origin from face_anon_simple
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In the ./ComfyUI /custom_node directory, run the following:

git clone https://github.com/smthemex/ComfyUI_Face_Anon_Simple.git


pip install -r requirements.txt


3.1 Face_Anon_Simple checkpoint (huggingface)

  • keep repo fill in "hkung/face-anon-simple" will auto download from hb..
  • or 或者
  • keep repo empty,will auto download from hb to below folder:
├── ComfyUI/models/Face_anon_simple
|   ├── unet
|      ├── config.json  
|      ├── diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors  #3.2G
|   ├── referencenet
|      ├── config.json  
|      ├── diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors  #3.2G
|   ├── conditioning_referencenet
|      ├── config.json  
|      ├── diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors  #3.2G

3.2 vae and clip

  • 常规的 sd1.5 vae 和 clip_vision
├── ComfyUI/models/vae
|     ├── vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors # or another sd 1.5 or sd21 vae
├── ComfyUI/models/clip_vision
|     ├──clip_vision_g.safetensors     #base openai/clip-vit-large-patch14


  • when turn on align ,will download "face_alignment" checkpoints (2DFAN4-cd938726ad.zip ,91.8M)

4 Function

  • Anonymize images with a single aligned face / 微调单张脸
    only link img to image,keep align turn off,changge degree / 单独连一张图,保持align 关闭,修改degree
  • Anonymize images with one or multiple unaligned faces / 微调单图多张脸
    only link img to image,keep align turn on,changge degree / 单独连一张多脸图,保持align 开启,修改degree
  • Swap faces between two images / 借鉴它图微调面部
    link condition image and image,keep align turn off,changge degree / 连俩个图片入口,输出是cond为底子,保持align关闭,修改degree

5 Example

change face and keep lighting and tone .


Face_anon_simple link