The Back-pocket MBD Demo

Controlling a DC motor is perfect to show off a variety of products that are a part of Model Based Design. The demo is setup to demo a range of products, as well as key modeling features.

Relevant Products

  • Simulink, Simscape, Parallel Computing Toolbox, Simulink Design Optimization, Simulink Control Design, Embedded Coder, Simulink Test, Stateflow

Simulink Platform Features

  • Data Inspector, Signal Editor, MultiSim with SimulationInput Objects, Model and Subsystem References, Data Dictionaries, Dashboards, Simulation Pacing, Masks and Callbacks, Apps, (Code) Perspective Views, Test Harnesses, Software-in-Loop Setup, Annotations and Areas


Sameer K Muckatira

Relevant Industries

Automotive, Aerospace, Robotics, Power electronics, MedDevices with motors, Electromechanical Devices. Really, anyone adopting MBD