The package manager for Elm. The full catalog of community libraries is located at
To install a library run:
elm-package install elm-lang/html # Install latest version
elm-package install elm-lang/html 1.0.0 # Install version 1.0.0
is sandboxed by default, so the downloaded package will be placed
in your project's elm-stuff/
directory. Sandboxing means it is easy for
different projects to have different dependencies.
Installing a package will also create a file called elm-package.json
gives a structured overview of your project, including stuff like what license
you use, what packages you depend on, and which directories contain source
code. Take a look at this file and see if everything looks correct!
Many people use version numbers in different ways, making it hard to give
reliable version bounds in your own package. With elm-package
versions are
determined based on API changes. The rules are:
Versions all have exactly three parts:
All packages start with initial version 1.0.0
Versions are incremented based on how the API changes:
- the API is the same, no risk of breaking codeMINOR
- values have been added, existing values are unchangedMAJOR
- existing values have been changed or removed
will bump versions for you, automatically enforcing these rules
This means that if your package works with elm-lang/html 1.0.0
it is very
likely to work with everything up until 2.0.0
. At that point, some breaking
change has occurred that might break your code. It is conceivable that things
break on a minor change if you are importing things unqualified and a newly
added value causes a name collision, but that is not extremely likely.
Say you know a new version of elm-lang/core
has come out, but you are not
sure if you want to update. You can see how big of a change it is by running
the following command:
elm-package diff elm-lang/core 3.0.0 4.0.0
This will show you all of the changes from version 3.0.0
which you have and
version 4.0.0
which you would like to have. This gives you some real basis
for deciding if you should update right now.
If you like what you see, take the following steps.
Save a copy of
so you can always come back to a working state. -
Change your version bounds in
to include the newest stuff. -
elm-package install elm-lang/core 4.0.0
and see how things go!
This is a step by step discussion of how to make a nice package that will be useful, easy to learn, and pleasant to use.
Before publishing, look through the design guidelines. Some key takeaways are:
- Design for a concrete use case
- Always give functions human readable names
- Avoid gratuitous abstraction
The information in elm-package.json
determines what people will see when
they browse your package on
Here are some hints for filling in that information:
Keep the
under 80 characters. -
The recommended
is BSD3, but of course, you can use whatever license you want. -
lets you expose some small set of modules. Use this to stop internal details from polluting your API and cluttering the docs with modules that are not meant for users.
You should also create a
for your project. It should explain the
use case of your library along with some examples to help people get situated
before deciding to use your library or diving into your documentation.
Finally, you should document all of the publicly exposed modules and functions based on this format. Examples are one of the most powerful ways to learn new APIs so do not be lazy, make your users' lives easy!
When you have finished the API, tested everything, and written up docs, it is time to share it with others!
All Elm packages start with version number 1.0.0
and then increase according
to automatically enforced rules. For now, all you need to know is that 1.0.0
is where things start.
is currently backed by GitHub, so we use GitHub tags to refer to
specific version numbers. Add a version tag to your repo like this:
git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "initial release"
git push --tags
This will add a tag 1.0.0
which matches the version number you are
publishing. It also associates that tag with a message. You can make your
message more helpful than "initial release".
Once that is done, run the following command:
elm-package publish
This will send all the relevant information to the package catalog and verify that everything is in order. You just published a package!
Once you have published 1.0.0
you enter into the world of automatically
enforced versioning as described in the version rules section.
provides a couple tools to make it easy to diff APIs and figure
out new version numbers.
First we have API diffing with the following commands:
elm-package diff # diff current API with most recently published API
elm-package diff 1.0.0 # diff current API with version 1.0.0
Both of these will help you review your changes and make sure everything is what you were expecting. From there, you can automatically bump your version number by running this command:
elm-package bump
Based on the version number listed in your elm-package.json
file, it will run
a diff and figure out the magnitude of the changes. It will then tell you your
new version number!
From here, everything is the same as publishing for the first time. Tag it on GitHub and publish it.