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Playground for algorithms in JavaScript. This is a child project of @aureooms/js-library and the twin project of @aureooms/js-data-structures.
This project is just a playground for any algorithm that doesn't fit in any of those projects,
- @aureooms/js-sort: Sorting algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-search: Searching algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-partition: Partitioning algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-splitting: Array splitting algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-string : character sequence code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-nlp : natural language processing code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-cg : computational geometry code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-gn : graphs and networks code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-mincut: Minimum cut algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-maximum-matching: Maximum matching algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-integer : multi-precision arithmetic code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-rational : rational numbers code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-complex : complex numbers code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-polynomial : sparse and dense polynomials code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-fft : Fast Fourier transform algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-prime : Prime numbers for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-integer-sequences : Integer sequences for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-fibonacci : Fibonacci numbers for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-matrix : matrices code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-hypermatrix : hypermatrices code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-hash : hashing algorithms code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-random : randomness code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-sat : Boolean formula satisfiability algorithms for Javascript
- @aureooms/js-metaheuristics : Metaheuristic algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-oro : operations research and optimization algorithm templates for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-pfsp-wt : permutation flow-shop problem (PFSP) with weighted tardiness objective (PFSP-WT) code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-knapsack : Knapsack problem algorithms for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-equation : equations system code bricks for JavaScript
- @aureooms/js-permutation : permutations code bricks for JavaScript
Those packages aim to provide code bricks that are as generic as possible. Some examples are a Gauss-Jordan method that can work with any number model, a Karatsuba algorithm that can handle any input size, a Graham Scan algorithm that works with clockwise or counter clockwise ordering, and a Monotone Chain algorithm that can be used as a triangulation algorithm without any change.
A list of links and projects focusing on algorithm implementation.
- https://github.com/felipernb/algorithms.js
- https://github.com/mgechev/javascript-algorithms
- https://github.com/nzakas/computer-science-in-javascript
- https://github.com/benoitvallon/computer-science-in-javascript
- http://www.nayuki.io
- https://github.com/xtaci/algorithms (C++)
- https://github.com/fragglet/c-algorithms (C)
- https://github.com/nryoung/algorithms (Python)
- https://github.com/kanwei/algorithms (Ruby)
- https://github.com/phishman3579/java-algorithms-implementation (Java)
- https://github.com/patmorin/ods (C++, Java, Python)
- http://www.nayuki.io (C, C++, Java, C#, Python, Haskell, MATLAB and others)
- http://rosettacode.org (All kinds of languages)