
Install and configure CNTLM.


In most case we need CNTLM to set enterprise proxy in order to acces to internet network. By accepting its assumption it will be strange that the ansible-cntlm role try to download last CNTLM version from internet.

Role variables

  • cntlm_package_file: Configure path to package file (rpm or deb) (string, NO DEFAULT). If not specified, CNTLM is downloaded from sourceforge.
  • cntlm_config_file: Name of the configuration file of CNTLM (string, default: /etc/cntlm.conf)
  • cntlm_service_name: Name of the CNTLM service (string, default: cntlmd)
  • cntlm_version: Configure CNTLM version to install (string, default: 0.92.3)
  • cntlm_config_template: Configure path to template for CNTLM configuration file cntlm.conf (string, default: cntlm.conf.j2)
  • cntlm_username: Configure cntlm username (string, default: testuser)
  • cntlm_domain: Configure cntlm domain (string, default: corp-uk)
  • cntlm_pass_lm, cntlm_pass_nt, cntlm_pass_ntlm: Configure cntlm hashed credentials (string, default: 1AD35398BE6565DDB5C4EF70C0593492, 77B9081511704EE852F94227CF48A793, D5826E9C665C37C80B53397D5C07BBCB)
  • cntlm_proxies: Configure proxies servers (object array, default: [{'ip': '', 'port': '8080'}, {'ip': '', 'port': '8080'}])
  • cntlm_no_proxy: Configure no proxy value (string, default: localhost, 127.0.0.*, 10.*, 192.168.*)
  • cntlm_listen_ip: Configure CNTLM listen ip (string, default:
  • cntlm_listen_port: Configure CNTLM listen port (string, default: 3128)
  • cntlm_allows: Configure allows host to access CNTLM (string array, default: [''])
  • cntlm_denies: Configure denies host to access CNTLM (string array, default: ['0/0'])



Example playbook

- hosts: localhost
    - { role: ansible-cntlm }



Author information

This role was created in 2015 by Thibaud Lepretre, a simple backend developer