
Storehouse for legacy inxi components

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

README for binxi - a command line system information tool

NOTE: This is the LEGACY version of inxi. So that you can run it together with 
inxi, this version has been renamed to binxi (Bash inxi) If you want the current 
Perl version, which is the only version which is maintained, go to the master 

This repo is here only for legacy historical purposes, or in case someone wants 
to work with the legacy inxi Gawk/Bash code themselves.


The current repo is:


The Codeberg repos will be mirrored to Github until the end of 2023, after that,
no updates to github repos will be made. Some time after that, the code will be

Please take the time to read this helpful article from the Software Freedom


Any use of this project's code by GitHub Copilot, past or present, is done 
without my permission. I do not consent to GitHub's use of this project's code 
in Copilot.

If you want to run binxi, or clone this repo:

To run binxi:
wget -O /usr/local/bin/binxi https://codeberg.org/smxi/inxi-legacy/raw/branch/master/binxi

Shortcut, easy to remember:

wget -O /usr/local/bin/binxi smxi.org/binxi

To clone binxi (legacy inxi):
git clone https://codeberg.org/smxi/inxi-legacy/binxi


Do not ask for help related to legacy Gawk/Bash binxi, you won't get any. 

DOCUMENTATION: http://smxi.org/docs/inxi.htm 
(smxi.org/docs/ is easier to remember, and is one click away from inxi.htm)
The one page wiki on github is only a pointer to the real resources.

LEGACY HTML MAN PAGE: http://smxi.org/docs/inxi-man-2.x.htm 
LEGACY MENU OPTIONS: http://smxi.org/docs/inxi-options-2.x.htm 

ISSUES: https://codeberg.org/smxi/inxi-legacy/issues
No issues accepted for non current inxi master branch releases.

SUPPORT FORUMS: http://techpatterns.com/forums/forum-33.html
This is the best place to place support issues that may be complicated.
NO SUPPORT FOR inxi legacy/binxi!

If you are developer, use:
DEVELOPER FORUMS: http://techpatterns.com/forums/forum-32.html

SOURCE VERSION CONTROL: https://codeberg.org/inxi-legacy

PULL REQUESTS: None for this repo unless you did a really good job and it won't 
cost me time to integrate and test it.

inxi has one and only one release, and that is the current one (plus dev 
releases, of course, but those should never be packaged). All previous releases 
are immediately obsolete on the commit of every new release. There is no 
exception to this, and never will be.


inxi is a command line system information tool. It was forked from the ancient
and mindbendingly perverse yet ingenius infobash, by locsmif. 

That was a buggy, impossible to update or maintain piece of software, so the
fork fixed those core issues, and made it flexible enough to expand the 
utility of the original ideas. Locmsif has given his thumbs up to inxi, so 
don't be fooled by legacy infobash stuff you may see out there.


Because trying to develop in Gawk -> Bash mix is almost impossible,
all future development is on the current Perl based development branch.

If you have issues or want new features, that's the branch to look at.

This branch is only for those wishing to suffer a bit, or who have
fond memories of the old version, and want to check it out.


No bugs or issues will be accepted for the inxi-legacy branch, unless 
you submit a valid working tested patch that makes sense, and can be
dropped in, and won't break the code or feature set.

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