
A Perfect CLI tool which can make files, directories, and much more!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The Perfect CLI tool which can make files, directories and much more!


Install the CLI Globally

npm i -g ironer


Ironer is a simple CLI which can do basic stuff like Creating Folders / Directories and Creating Files. More Updates will be added soon.

Make a file

ironer file <filename>

This will create a file named filename.

Make a Directory

ironer dir <dirname>

This will create a directory named dirname.

Make an empty Express API Template

ironer express-api <dirname>

This will Create an empty Express API template in the dirname directory.

Make a simple Discord Bot Template

ironer discord-bot <dirname>

This will create a simple Discord Bot Template in the dirname directory.

Make an empty Vanilla Website Template

ironer html <dirname>

This will create an empty Vanilla (HTML, CSS, JS) Website Template in the dirname directory.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

© samyakbambole

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