GraphQL Tech Talk Sample Code

Technology - Back End

Technology - Front End


Instructions (Mac Only)

Database Seeding

  • Download the
    • Start up a local instance of a Postgresql server by launching the Postgres app.
    • Launch your favorite Postgresql application Postico is one such option.
    • Connect to
    • Create a new database called graph_ql
    • Use the import scripts included in this repository to populate your database.

Python Instalation

  • If you don't already have Python 3 go to the Python Website and download the appropriate package.
  • Add pip to your path if you haven't already done so.
  • Intall Django via pip via: python3 pip install django
  • Install Graphene for Django via: python3 pip install "graphene-django>=2.0"
  • More instructions to come?

NodeJS Instalation

  • If you don't already have NodeJS on your machineg go to the Node Website and download the appropriate package.

Working with the front end

  • We are using Yarn for this project so make sure to run npm install yarn -g to install it globaly.
  • cd front-end
  • yarn install
  • yarn start for a development server with auto-reloading
  • yarn build for a production build
  • yarn test to run unit tests