
This class has small useful functions for daily based usage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a class with common used functions to simplify developers life. You can use it to improving your workflow on daily based.


npm install dev-tips --save


import DevTips from 'dev-tips';
const _dt = new DevTips();


You can use this tiny library for working with array/objects. As a bonus, there is debounce functions inside whiche you can use instead of 'lodash'.


This method removes all repeated values and return an array of unique values.

@param array {Array} - array of elements

@return {Array} - new array of unique values

let array = ['t', 1, 3, 4, 1, 'e', 4, 'e', 4, 5];
let result = _dt.getUnique(array);
// => Output:
// ["t", 3, 5]


This method find all indexes of value in array and return new array with indexes.

@param array {Array} - array of elements

@param value {String/Number/Boolean} - value which index you want to find elements

@return {Array} - new array of indexes

let array = ['t', 1, 3, 4, 1, 'e', 4, 'e', 4, 5];
let result = _dt.indexOfAll(array, 4);
// => Output:
// [3, 6, 8]


This method removes all repeated values in array and return new array of values without values without settled in function. You can specify any amount of items even if they do not exist.

@param array {Array} - array of elements

@param ...item {String/Number/Boolean} [default = []] - elements which you want to delete

@return {Array} - new array wihout specified values

let array = ['t', 1, 3, 4, 1, 'e', 4, 'e', 4, 5];
let result = _dt.removeRepeated(array, 1, 99, 'e');
// => Output:
// ["t", 3, 4, 4, 4, 5]


This method finds and removes all duplicate values leaving them in a single instance.

@param array {Array} - array of elements

@return {Array} - new array wihout duplicate values

let array = ['t', 1, 3, 4, 1, 'e', 4, 'e', 4, 5];
let result = _dt.removeDoubles(array);
// => Output:
// ["t", 1, 3, 4, "e", 5]


Method check if Array/Object id empty. If empty it will return true, else false.

@params element {Array/Object} [default = null] - your element

@return {Boolean} - true if empty, false if not

console.log(_dt.isEmpty({})); // => Output: true
console.log(_dt.isEmpty({a: 'test'})); // => Output: false
console.log(_dt.isEmpty([])); // => Output: true
console.log(_dt.isEmpty(['ttt', '777'])); // => Output: false
console.log(_dt.isEmpty(new Array())); // => Output: true
console.log(_dt.isEmpty(new Array('333'))); // => Output: false
console.log(_dt.isEmpty(new Object())); // => Output: true
console.log(_dt.isEmpty(new Object({bar: 'foo'}))); // => Output: false
console.log(_dt.isEmpty(function(){return 'Hello world!'})); // => Output: true


Method filter array by object query or callback function. If Object is empty or not an Object/Function, method will return user's array.

If specified object query[1], array will be filtered without deep search. But you can specify function[2] for deep search.

@params array {Array} [default = []] - array of Objects

@params cb {Object/Function} [default = {}] - object/function of queries

@return {Array} - filtered by query array

let array = [
    { name: 'Peter', role: 'member', age: 18,gender: 'male', salary: {gross: 100, amount: 79} },
    { name: 'Julia', role: 'member', age: 23,gender: 'female', salary: {gross: 101, amount: 79} },
    { name: 'Ann', role: 'member', age: 28,gender: 'female', salary: {gross: 100, amount: 99} },
    { name: 'Nordy', role: 'annonym', age: 23,gender: 'female', salary: {gross: 250, amount: 197} },
    { name: 'Sam', role: 'member', age: 19,gender: 'male', salary: {gross: 251, amount: 197} },
    { name: 'Eve', role: 'annonym', age: 42,gender: 'female', salary: {gross: 100, amount: 80} }
let result1 = _dt.filterBy(array, { role: 'member', gender: 'female'});
let result2 = _dt.filterBy(array, (el) => {
  return el.role === 'member' && el.salary.gross >= 101
// => [1]: [
//      {name: "Putin2", role: "member", gender: "female"}
//      {name: "Putin3", role: "member", gender: "female"}
//    ]
// => [2]: [
//      {name: "Putin2", role: "member", gender: "female"}
//      {name: "Putin3", role: "member", gender: "female"}
//    ]


Method count array of object by key:value pair or function query. If object is empty, function will return array.length.

You can specify either Object query [1] or function query[2] for deep search.

@params array {Array} [default = []] - array of Objects

@params cb {Object/Function} [default = {}] - object/function of queries

@return {Array} - filtered by query array

let array = [
    { name: 'Peter', role: 'member', age: 18,gender: 'male', salary: {gross: 100, amount: 79} },
    { name: 'Julia', role: 'member', age: 23,gender: 'female', salary: {gross: 101, amount: 79} },
    { name: 'Ann', role: 'member', age: 28,gender: 'female', salary: {gross: 100, amount: 99} },
    { name: 'Nordy', role: 'annonym', age: 23,gender: 'female', salary: {gross: 250, amount: 197} },
    { name: 'Sam', role: 'member', age: 19,gender: 'male', salary: {gross: 251, amount: 197} },
    { name: 'Eve', role: 'annonym', age: 42,gender: 'female', salary: {gross: 100, amount: 80} }
let result1 = _dt.countBy(array, { role: 'member', gender: 'female'});
let result2 = _dt.countBy(array, (el) => {
  return el.role === 'member' && el.salary.gross >= 101
// => [1]: 2
// => [2]: 2


Method add pattern to original string to the end or to the start of string.

You can specify the number of characters which will return the function.

@params str { String } [default = ''] - original string

@params pattern { String } [default = ''] - pattern which you want to add

@params amount { Number } [default = pattern.length] - length of string to return

@params position { String} [default = 'end'] - where to add pattern

@return { String } - original string with pattern

let str1 = '123';
let str2 = '9';

let result1 = _dt.addPattern(str1, 0, 4, 'start');
let result2 = _dt.addPattern(str2, 0, 4, 'start');
// => [result1]: 0123
// => [result2]: 0009


Method debounce delay function {func} execution for a specified time {wait} in milliseconds once. If you want to execute function emergency, you should set this {immediate} params.

@params func {Function} - callback function

@params wait {Number} [default = 0] - waiting time in milliseconds

@params immediate {Boolean} [default = false] - should call function emergency

@return {Function} - callback

function checkResize(){
    _dt.debounce(() => {
        console.log('Window resized');
    }, 1500);

window.addEventListener('resize', checkResize)

*debounce wiil hold function execution until you stop, for this example, resizing window. After 1.5 seconds you will see in your console 'Window resized'.