
A forum application built by Python Django and React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discussion forum application

Desktop View

Mobile View


The discussion forum application is built by Django and React. The forum web app allows any user to view threads. Users can register and login to create new thread and reply to any threads to join any discussion.

Functions and Features


  • Registration
  • Login / Logout
  • Browse all threads sorted by updating date
  • Browse threads by topic
  • Add new thread
  • Add new post to reply in a thread
  • Bookmark Page
  • User Profile Page (Edit Avatar and biography)


  • Token Based Authentication
  • Infinite Scrolling
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Guest / unauthenticated user browse all the threads and posts

Tech Stack

  • Python Django
  • React.js
  • HTML5 / CSS
  • Material UI
  • React Bootstrap
  • sqlite3
  • Django REST framework

Contained Files

In src, public folder, it stores all the files of frontend built by React.

  • ./build a build directory with a production build of the forum app.
  • ./public contain favicon and index.html etc.
  • ./src stores all files of React components and pages.
    • ./components contain different components of forum app such as Header, footer, AppBar and various forms.
    • ./pages store defined pages, for example, Home.js, Login.js, signup.js and Thread.js etc.
    • ./utils contain PrivateRoute.js for the implementation of private routes
    • /App.css styling of the forum app
    • ./index.js/ the top structure level of forum app which has App.js component as its child
    • ./App.js the forum app components

In myforum folder, it contains settings and url configuration of the forum app. In api folder, it consists of a wide range of files of the backend and views.

  • ./admin.py registration of models
  • ./apps.py app config
  • ./models.py defined database models
  • ./serializers.py different classes to serialize database models
  • ./signals.py automatically generate profile for each user creation
  • ./tests.py empty file
  • ./urls.py routes of the forum app API to provide endpoints for the client
  • ./views.py consists of different functions to build the API

Getting Started

The React app is already integrated to Django app for an easy start.
First, clone or download the repository from gitHub.
To run the application in local, please following commands.

virtualenv myenv


pip install -r requirements.txt

python manage.py runserver

The application will be available on

Additional Information

I built this forum app in conda virtual environement using Anaconda 3.
The npm packages used in frontend is output as file in the following path.


Application API

The application supports the following API routes:

Generate token and refresh token


Resigter / sign up


Get user's profile


Retrieve all threads


Retrieve a single thread


Get all the posts/replies of a thread


Get the top 5 threads sorted by number of replies


Get threads by topic


Create/add a new thread


Create/add a new post (reply a thread)


Add bookmark / Remove bookmark


Check user's bookmark of a given thread


Get all bookmarked threads


Further work

  • deploy to heroku ✔
  • writing unit test


In this project, you are asked to build a web application of your own. The nature of the application is up to you, subject to a few requirements:

  • Your web application must be sufficiently distinct from the other projects in this course (and, in addition, may not be based on the old CS50W Pizza project), and more complex than those.

    • A project that appears to be a social network is a priori deemed by the staff to be indistinct from Project 4, and should not be submitted; it will be rejected.
    • A project that appears to be an e-commerce site is strongly suspected to be indistinct from Project 2, and your README.md file should be very clear as to why it’s not. Failing that, it should not be submitted; it will be rejected.
  • Your web application must utilize Django (including at least one model) on the back-end and JavaScript on the front-end.

    • Under its own header within the README called Distinctiveness and Complexity: Why you believe your project satisfies the distinctiveness and complexity requirements, mentioned above.
    • What’s contained in each file you created.
    • How to run your application.
    • Any other additional information the staff should know about your project.
  • Your web application must be mobile-responsive.

  • In a README.md in your project’s main directory, include a writeup describing your project, and specifically your file MUST include all of the following:

  • If you’ve added any Python packages that need to be installed in order to run your web application, be sure to add them to a requirements.txt file!

  • Though there is not a hard requirement here, a README.md in the neighborhood of 500 words is likely a solid target, assuming the other requirements are also satisfied.


Watch the video in YouTube! :point_right:https://youtu.be/zzLLeG3HUvA