
Tor + privoxy + iptables + dnscrypt-proxy + python

Primary LanguagePython



sudo ./install.sh


Now TorO2 is running in 'live' mode, no daemon mode for now

toro2 or toro2 help provides Help menu

Usage: toro2 start | stop | switch | install | uninstall | naked | isnaked | status | integrate | installnobackup
        start                Start toro2 app (required to have it INSTALLed first)
        stop                 Stop toro2 app (stop services & tor)
        switch               Switch tor identity
        install              Install toro2 app & files
        uninstall            Uinstall toro2 app & files
        status               Get state of tor & services
        naked                Disables TorO2 protection until next start
        isnaked              Checks TorO2 protection disabled
        integrate            Integrate toro2 installation with OS
        installnobackup      Same as INSTALL, with no backup system files

Start toro2 from terminal with python3 available

toro2 start

Stop with Ctrl+C or toro2 stop from another terminal

Switch with toro2 switch from another terminal

If you need an direct connection with no TorO2 protection, do

toro2 naked

and all protection settings will be disabled. But don't worry - it will be restored immediately after you started TorO2 again.

No Tor bridges used by default, but you can add them to toro2.torrc file