
a python client for ClickHouse

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ClickSQL: ClickHouse client for Humans

CodeQL Python package

Package information:

ClickSQL is a python client for ClickHouse database, which may help users to use ClickHouse more easier and pythonic. More information for ClickHouse can be found at here


pip install ClickSQL


Initial connection

to setup a database connection and send a heartbeat-check signal

from ClickSQL import BaseSingleFactorTableNode

conn_str = "clickhouse://default:test121231@"
Node = BaseSingleFactorTableNode(conn_str)

>>> connection test:  Ok.


execute a SQL Query

from ClickSQL import BaseSingleFactorTableNode

conn_str = "clickhouse://default:test121231@"
Node = BaseSingleFactorTableNode(conn_str)

Node('show tables from system limit 1')

>>> connection test:  Ok.
>>>                             name
>>> 0  aggregate_function_combinators

execute a Query without SQL

from ClickSQL import BaseSingleFactorTableNode

factor = BaseSingleFactorTableNode(
        cols=['cust_no', 'product_id', 'money'],
        order_by_cols=['money asc'],
        money='money >= 100000'


>>> connection test:  Ok.
>>>        money
>>> 0  1000000.0
>>> 1  1000000.0
>>> 2  1000000.0
>>> 3  1000000.0
>>> 4  1000000.0
>>> 5  1000000.0
>>> 6  1000000.0
>>> 7  1000000.0
>>> 8  1000000.0
>>> 9  1000000.0

Insert data

insert data into database by various ways

Insert data via DataFrame

from ClickSQL import BaseSingleFactorTableNode as factortable
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
factor = factortable( 'clickhouse://default:default@'  )
db = 'sample'
table = 'sample'
df  = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(10000,3)),columns=['cust_no', 'product_id', 'money'])
factor.insert_df(df, db, table, chunksize=100000)

Insert data via SQL(Inner)

from ClickSQL import BaseSingleFactorTableNode as factortable

factor = factortable( 'clickhouse://default:default@'  )

factor("insert into sample.sample select * from other_db.other_table")

Create table

Create table by SQL

from ClickSQL import BaseSingleFactorTableNode

conn_str = "clickhouse://default:test121231@"
Node = BaseSingleFactorTableNode(conn_str)

Node('create table test.test2 (v1 String, v2 Int64, v3 Float64,v4 DataTime) Engine=MergeTree() order by v4')

Create table by DataFrame

from ClickSQL import BaseSingleFactorTableNode
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

conn_str = "clickhouse://default:test121231@"
Node = BaseSingleFactorTableNode(conn_str)
db = 'test'
table = 'test2'

df_or_sql_or_dict  = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(10000,2)),columns=['v1', 'v3'])
df_or_sql_or_dict['v2'] =1
df_or_sql_or_dict['v4'] =pd.to_datetime('2020-01-01 00:00:00')

Node.create( db,  table,  df_or_sql_or_dict,    key_cols=['v4'],)


Welcome to improve this package or submit an issue or any others




Available functions or properties

  1. get data from clickhouse
  2. insert data into clickhouse
  3. create
  4. alter
  5. execute standard SQL and transform into DataFrame(Auto)
  6. able to execute select query
  7. able to execute insert query
  8. no require clickhouse-client
  9. auto create table sql
  10. can execute explain query
  11. Insert Data via DataFrame
  12. alter function & drop function

In Process

  1. create a pandas_liked executable function, which can compatible with pandas
  2. distributed query(query+insert)


  1. ORM
  2. can execute user role query
  3. create analysis component
  4. auto report system
  5. table register system
  6. data manager system
  7. meta data manager