
Awesome list of Foam knowledge system resources

Awesome Foam Resources Awesome

Awesome resources for VSCode Foam Personal Knowledge Management System (PKMS) software

What is Foam?

Foam Plugins

Developer Recommended



Foam Templates

  • Base Foam Template: Basic Foam template demonstrating Foam's features
  • Tyrell: A starting poing for using Foam with extra snippets, extensions, and layout configs
  • Foam with P.A.R.A: Example of how to use the P.A.R.A. knowledge management system with Foam
  • Foam with Zettelkasten: Example of how to use the Zettelkasten knowledge management system with Foam
  • Foam with Decimal-Cutter: Example of how to use the Decimal-Cutter knowledge management system (by Brian M. Watson) with Foam
  • Foam with Johnny Decimal: Example of how to use the Johnny Decimal knowledge management system with Foam
  • Foam for Worldbuilding: Example/template for how to use Foam for worldbuilding and writing.

Others Using Foam

Personal Knowledge Management Systems

This section is about theories and principles of knowledge management systems instead of specific software solutions that might be used to implement them.

Personal Knowledge Management System Reading

'External' Tools

This section lists tools that are not directly tied to Foam or VSCode but are complimentary, such as browser add-ons, etc.

  • Flowcus: Browser add-on for clutter-free reading and clipping, highlighting, conversions, etc.
  • ShareX: Open source screen capture tool


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