
The main idea is: Run the same build everywhere.

Primary LanguageGo


Release Build

The mission is: Run the same build easily everywhere, anytime. It doesn't matter if you want to build on your local machine, on GitLab, or GitHub. Artisan is like Makefile, where each target (or task) is executed in its own Docker container.

How it works

Let's have a repository with a backend application written as Java/Gradle and Vue.JS frontend. Usually, we need to install the correct versions of NPM, Java, and Gradle into our system. For Artisan, the backend and frontend are modules. Each module has build task executed in its own docker container.

# file: frontend/MODULE.hcl
task "node:lts-alpine" "build" {
  script = "npm install && npm run build"

# file: backend/MODULE.hcl
task "gradle:6.7.0-jdk11" "build" {
  script = "gradle build"
  deps = [ "//frontend:build" ]  

When we run the backend build, the Artisan executes tasks for each module within an own docker container. There is no need to have NPM or Java installed. Because there is dependency between backend and frontend, the frontend is build first and backend last.

artisan run //backend:build

Check the simple demo repository for demonstration of small monorepo with one frontend and backend application.

CI/CD services

Run the same build everywhere means running the build on your local machine and popular CI/CD services like GitLab, GitHub, and CircleCI the same way. For GitLab, all you need is add the following .gitlab-ci.yml into the repository:

image: docker:19.03.0

    - docker:19.03.0-dind

        - apk --no-cache add curl
        - curl -sfL https://artisan.unravela.io/install.sh | sh
        - artisan run //backend:build

You can see the running example of demo repository on GitLab


If you're Linux user, you can use the following command:

curl -sfL https://artisan.unravela.io/install.sh | sh

If you're Mac OS user with Homebrew installed, you can install Artisan with the command:

brew install unravela/tap/artisan

If you're Windows user, you can download ZIP archive directly or you can use Scoop:

scoop bucket add unravela https://github.com/unravela/scoop-bucket
scoop install artisan


Thanks to Zladovan for idea-sharing, igniting the sparkle, and inspiration in zladovan/monorepo