
Nomic is small tool/package manager that automatise our process of deployment and installation of analytics applications into Hadoop ecosystem.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Nomic is small tool/package manager that automatise our process of deployment and installation of analytics applications into Hadoop ecosystem. The analytics are packaged into archive called Box. Each box has own descriptor script file in root called nomic.box where is determined what and where is installed. The descriptor script is based on Groovy with own DSL.

How to build

You can easily build distribution of Nomic from source code by executing command project root:

./gradlew assembly

After command is succesfully executed, you can find ZIP, TAR and also RPM distribution in nomic-dist/build/distributions folder. Now you can continue with installation depends on distribution you pick.


The documentation is available here.

For developers

Some useful commands:

  • ./gradlew clean build build and run unit tests.
  • ./gradlew assemble build the distribution of Nomic app. The output is in ./nomic-dist/build/distributions folder.
  • ./gradlew integTest run integration tests
  • cd ./docs && make html build a HTML documentation in ./docs/_build/html


Copyright 2017 vrabel.zdenko@gmail.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0