sn99's Personal Website

This repository contains the code of my personal blog, built using hugo-PaperMod and Github Pages.

Check out my website at👋

How to run this project locally?

1) Installing pre-requisites

Visit here for detailed instructions.

2) Set up the project locally

Clone the project on your local machine.

For example, using https git clone

3) Run the hugo server

Open the command line in the cloned directory.

Run hugo server which will run the application locally on the default port http://localhost:1313/

Now you can view & test your changes locally before deploying it 🍜

How to create your own website using Hugo & Github Pages?

Hugo is a fast and modern static site generator written in Go, and designed to make website creation fun again.

Hugo provides us a wide variety of themes which makes it easier to create & maintain simple websites. The theme used in this repository is called PaperMod.

1) Create a new site using Hugo

We assume all the prerequisites have already been installed.

  1. Create a new site using the command hugo new site <name of site> --format yaml in your command line.
  2. Change current directory to project directory using cd <name of site>. This creates the directory structure of our project.
  3. Add the desired theme to your project by executing the following commands
    git clone themes/PaperMod --depth=1
    cd themes/PaperMod
    git pull
  4. From the root directory execute the following command to add the theme as a submodule to your repository.
    git submodule add --depth=1 themes/PaperMod
    Replace the links in step 3 & 4 to the github repository of your desired theme.
  5. Update the theme in your hugo.yaml file by setting the theme as theme: "PaperMod"

2) Create & push code to a new repository

  1. Initialise the project as git repository executing git init from the root directory of the hugo site.
  2. Create a new repository on Github and name it as <username> This will be the URL of your GitHub Pages website.
  3. In the hugo.yoml file update baseURL to point to your github page baseURL: "https://<username>"
  4. Push the hugo site to the empty Github repository
    git remote add origin<username>/<username>
    git branch -M main
    git commit -m "first commit"
    git push -u origin main

Additionally, create new pages using hugo new <filename> on your website, refer to your respective theme documentations for detailed instructions.

3) Configure Github Actions to Publish to the Github Pages

  1. Manually create a new branch in the Github repository named gh-pages. This is the branch github pages will fetch from.
  2. Allow Read and Write Permissions on the Workflow under Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions
  3. Set the GitHub Pages site to build from the gh-pages branch under Settings > Pages > Build and deployment
  4. Define custom github actions to fetch code from the main branch and create a static site in the gh-pages branch.
    • For that add the following file under with the same directory structure .github/workflows/deploy.yml under your project root directory.
    • (You might want to change the version of hugo being downloaded to the latest version in the curl command under "Setup Hugo")

Github automatically deploys the code at https://<username>

To deploy your website under a custom Domain Name refer to this article.