
Download pictures from any Instagram acount

Primary LanguagePython


Download pictures from any Instagram acount

Para ejecutar dicho script, abrir terminal y ejecutar el comando: For use the installer.sh Script, open terminal and launch this command:

bash installer.sh

Helo world this is a Instagram Picture Downloader

you can download pic profile from any account

  • 1: install the pakage using this command: py -m pip install instaloader
  • 2: use in terminal:$ instaloader name_profile for download pics
  • 3: use $ instaloader --login --stories % ID_profile_location for download from selected
  • 4:use $ instaloader --help for check and look for program options
  • 5: download the repository from github using : git clone https://github.com/snLionel90/insta-craken.git
  • requieriments needed

    tabulate = 0.8.7 instaloader = 4.5.1

    So, you can download and install, all the modules, using "requeriments.txt" file, typing the following command:

    • py -m pip install -r requieriments.txt


  • https://instaloader.github.io/